Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Action Research Project Assistance?

Some students have been asking about what exactly I'm looking for in final drafts of the action research projects. See below.

Action Write-up Guide

For writing about an action you took or proposed (as opposed to an experiment), your final paper could use the following format:

Introduction (about 4 pages)

Establish the situation – what is the problem your action is addressing?
Provide relevant background information – what do you or others need to know about your action?
Explain your plan – what are you directly or indirectly doing to improve the situation?

Action (about 2-possibly 3 pages)

Present your action – show a copy of the letter/email that you submitted to produce a change

Reflection (about 2-3 pages)

Present any response you received
Establish next steps – based on the response you did/did not receive, what could or would you do next?
Discuss the connection to your own life – how did/will your investigation/action impact your daily life? How did your investigation connect to our discussions of sustainability?


Give credit to your sources – use APA or MLA formatting for your bibliography

Design Write-up Guide

For writing about an action you took or proposed (as opposed to an experiment), your final paper could use the following format:

Introduction (about 4 pages)

Establish the situation – what is the problem your action is addressing?
Provide relevant background information – what do you or others need to know about your action?
Explain your plan – what are you directly or indirectly doing to improve the situation?

Design (about 2 pages)

Present your design

Reflection (3 pages)

If you actually constructed something based on your design... evaluate the design - how well did the design work in addressing the situation?
Describe ideas for redesign - how could your design be improved?
If you DID NOT actually construct something based on your design... present your design to a policymaker - how could the ideas associated with your design be used to improve sustainability, etc.?
Establish next steps – based on what you designed, what could or would you do next?
Discuss the connection to your own life – how did/will your investigation/action impact your daily life? How did your investigation connect to our discussions of sustainability?


Give credit to your sources – use APA or MLA formatting for your bibliography

Experiment Write-up Guide

For writing about an experiment you carried out (as opposed to an action you took or proposed), your final paper could use the following format:

Introduction (about 3 pages)

Establish the situation – what is the problem your action is addressing?
Provide relevant background information – what do you or others need to know about your action?
Explain your experimental plan – what are you testing in order to learn more and improve the situation? What is your hypothesis?

Experiment (about 2 pages)

Present your experimental plan
Describe your methodology as well as relevant variables and constraints
Show your data/observations

Reflection (about 3 pages)

Analyze your data – what conclusions did you draw? What evidence do you have to support them?
Reflect upon your design – how did your choices in setting up the experiment affect your data? How would you improve your design?
Establish next steps – based on your work thus far, what could or would you do next?
Discuss the connection to your own life – how did/will your investigation/action impact your daily life? How did your investigation connect to our discussions of sustainability?


Give credit to your sources – use APA or MLA formatting for your bibliography

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