Monday, April 20, 2015


Today begins our review for the APES exam on May 4th. There were a lot of absences (due to the 11th grade field trip and 12th grade... rain outside?), so let's be clear about what is expected of you. Today in class we discussed topics and questions relevant to the Earth Systems and Resources unit. Students were given 3 tasks to accomplish - 1. use this as a template to made a review guide for the unit's material, 2. work on practice MC questions (Assignment 69, below), and 3. work on practice FRQ questions (Assignment 70, also below), and 4. check/score/revise Assignment 68.

Going forward (until after the APES exam), you homework and how it is checked are slightly changed. Tomorrow (or any day going forward) you can show me any completed work from this week for credit/Work Habits points, but missing/incomplete work will not count against you.

Assignment 68 #1 answers
Assignment 68 #2 answers (it's #1 from the 2004 exam)

Assignment 69 - Earth Systems and Resources MC Practice Questions (w/ answers at the end)

Assignment 70 Part 1 (#3 from the 2014 exam) Earth Systems and Resources FRQ Practice #1 and answers
Assignment 70 Part 2 (#4 from the 2004 exam) Earth Systems and Resources FRQ Practice #2 and answers

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