Monday, November 17, 2014


Tonight's homework is to complete Assignment 26 and continue working on your lab reports. See the previous postings for a boatload of resources to support your success. 

Assignment 26 Primary Productivity Investigation – Data Analysis Refresher


The purpose of the following task is to help ensure that you feel confident and capable of thoroughly analyzing and writing about the data that you obtained during last week’s experiment. Assume that this work will be collected and graded.


Fusarium oxysporum is a disease-causing organism of many crops, including asparagus. The fungus penetrates the roots and spreads up through the plant, often reducing the flow of water to the stem and leaves. Infected plants produce fewer and smaller spears than healthy plants. The fungus stays in the soil year after year.

Salt (sodium chloride) treatment is a common method for suppressing disease in plants. It was hypothesized that a dusting of salt added to the soil would suppress the fungus and allow the asparagus plants to grow more and produce more spears.

The table shows data collected after six 10 foot by 10 foot asparagus field plots were treated with a dusting of salt.

Average Number of Spears
Average Spear mass (g)
Before treatment with salt
After treatment with salt

Thoroughly analyze the data and evaluate this hypothesis.

When “thoroughly analyzing data”…

1. Graph the data
2. Make inferences, identify patterns and trends
            a. Always support your conclusions by referring to the data
3. Evaluate your hypothesis
            a. Always support your conclusions by referring to the data
4. Explain your data.

            a. Use class concepts to explain the events that produced your data.

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