Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Tonight's homework is to complete Assignment 22 and work on the biomes mini-project.

Assignment #22 - Ecosystem Roles Review Questions

Answer all of the following questions to the best of your ability. Use your notes as a reference. Write in complete sentences for all short answer questions.

1. Use the following information to construct a food web in a meadow ecosystem:

·      Red foxes feed on raccoons, crayfishes, grasshoppers, red clover, meadow voles, and gray squirrels
·      Red clover is eaten by grasshoppers, muskrats, red foxes, and meadow voles
·      Meadow voles, gray squirrels, and raccoons all eat parts of the white oak tree
·      Crayfishes feed on green algae and detritus, and they are eaten by muskrats and red foxes
·      Raccoons feed on muskrats, meadow voles, gray squirrels, and white oak trees

NOTE: Some (not all!) of the organisms have been started for you. Add the rest of the organisms and then use arrows to show the flow of energy between organisms.

 Red fox

          White oak                    Red clover

2. Create a table and identify all of the herbivores, carnivores, omnivores and detritivores in the food web/ecosystem.

3. Which of the members in the food web has the most biomass? Explain why.

4. Describe how the muskrats would be affected if disease kills the white oak trees.

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