Friday, October 17, 2014


This weekend's homework to

1. STUDY for the unit exam on Thursday and Friday
2. get your permission slip signed for Tuesday's trip to AMNH
3. complete Assignment 17. If necessary, use the links below to improve (or create) your notes to a level that allows you to more easily answer the questions.

Prehistoric Timeline
Big Five mass extinction events

ALSO! Mr. Z forwarded info about this interesting competition... it involves writing about sustainability (basically). Hmm, I wonder who could be good at that? Here's the relevant info.

Assignment #17 Early Earth and Extinction Practice Questions

Answer all of the following questions to the best of your ability. Use the questions to generate some basic notes about the early Earth and use the links on the website/your textbook as resources. Write in complete sentences where appropriate.

1. Which of the following puts the events below in proper chronological order?

A. The formation of the Rocky Mountains
B. The formation of the Appalachian Mountains
C. The Pleistocene Ice Ages
D. The Holocene Epoch
E. The Precambrian Era

A. E, B, A, C, D                                                 D. C, E, A, B, D
B. A, E, B, C, D                                                 E. C, B, E, A, D
C. A, B, E, D, C

2. The Mesozoic Era was also known as the Age of

A. Mammals                                                   D. Fishes
B. Reptiles                                                       E. Invertebrates
C. Amphibians

3. The first atmosphere on Earth was most likely composed of

A. H2 and He                                                    D. O2 and CO2
B. Hand O2                                                     E. NH3 and O2
C. He and O2

4. What process causes gases such as CO2, SO2 Cl2, NH3, and CH4 to form in Earth’s early atmosphere?

A. Photosynthesis                                            D. Evapotranspiration
B. Animal respiration                                      E. Chemical weathering
C. Volcanic outgassing

5. Define extinction and provide an example.

6. The largest mass extinction occurred during which period?

A. Pleistocene                                                 D. Permian
B. Creatceous                                                  E. Devonian
C. Triassic

7. Ten thousand years ago, a mass extinction affected primarily

A. bacteria                                                      D. rodents
B. phytoplankton                                             E. invertebrates
C. large mammals

8. The last six hundred million years have seen _________ major extinctions.

A. 2                                                                  D. 5
B. 3                                                                  E. 6
C. 4

9. Which of the following was the geologic era when the dinosaurs roamed Earth?

A. Jurassic                                                       D. Mesozoic
B. Paleozoic                                                     E. Cretaceous
C. Cenozoic

10. Describe the Cambrian explosion.

11. Explain the Earth’s atmosphere changed from one that contained almost no oxygen to its current state where it is over one-fifth oxygen.

12. What possible benefits could mass extinctions have had for life on Earth?

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